Séminaire de Léo Guignard
Léo Guignard (Centuri, AMU, Marseille)
“Quantifying embryogenesis and its reproducibility across scales”
25 February at 2.30 pm in Salle L. Vinay, INT
invité par Guillaume Auzias
Embryos develop in a reproducible manner to form a functioning organism. The reproducibility of the development is crucial to ensure that a fertilized egg will reliably form a viable offspring. During this seminar, I will show some of the first steps towards the quantification and modeling of this reproducibility at the single cell scale in post implantation mouse embryos and in ascidians embryos.
Guignard L.*, Fiuza U.-M.*, et al., Contact area-dependent cell communication and the morphological invariance of ascidian embryogenesis, Science, 369(6500):eaar5663
McDole K.*, Guignard L.*, et al. , In Toto Imaging and Reconstruction of Post-Implantation Mouse Development at the Single-Cell Level, Cell, 175(3):859-876